Life, passions and finding a work vs life balance

It’s been  while since my last blog post and there’s been lots going on, since starting blogging again after having Ollie I’ve definitely struggled with finding the time to regularly blog alongside working, mummy duties, starting a business and all the other little things that life throws at you. (Not to mention the dreaded house work – needless to say I’ll never be one of those people who has the perfectly clean, tidy house.)

I feel I have changed a lot over the last year or so not only with becoming a mum for the first time but figuring out a work vs. life balance that ‘works’ for me. I’ve also been finding out what I care about, what my passions are and what direction I want my future to take. Like many people I’ve been thinking a lot about these things but not taken much action to move my plans forward and that’s where I’ve got stuck.

I read a really interesting article last week which was about finding passions in life and it talked about how people often go looking for their passions by travelling or having a lot of different jobs yet still not feeling fulfilled. Where as most people’s passions are actually already with them and if you think back to childhood or when you were younger you will recall what activities you enjoyed doing and always seem to come back to. For me when I thought about it I immediately thought of writing and I had a bit of a light bulb moment with why am I not blogging???

Taking that into consideration it’s not to say that I haven’t found other passions along my journey so far, yoga is definitely a big one for me, taking time to spend with Ollie during these precious early years and more recently making sure I’m using more natural products, eating cleaner and not using products by brands who test on animals.

So here I am re-igniting a passion that I had let fall by the wayside and I feel very excited to get it going again.  I love writing and blogging and I’ve really missed it, so I’m going to make a concerted effort to get back on track with regular posts and get my blogging mojo back into a full wordy swing.

Do you struggle with finding your passion or the elusive work vs. life balance?


Mindfulness, fulfilment, positivity – turning dreams into reality

A few years ago I hit what some people are now calling a quarter life crisis. Where in your mid twenties you probably have a job but its not the job you want, you’re out of uni with massive debt, your job doesn’t pay what you need it to, you’re not in your ideal living situation or perhaps in the right relationship- basically your life doesn’t look the way you thought it would or the way you imagined when you were younger.

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Knee deep in nappies and never been happier!

Oliver is now 6 months old and we’re at a stage where I’m getting a bit more sleep and I’m confident in everything I’m doing with him that I can really enjoy our time together without worrying if he’s had enough milk, or sleep, or if his poo is the right colour (to all those without kids yes you really worry about this stuff, it’s crazy I know!). I’ve recently been negotiating my hours for when I go back to work and it’s now hit me that spending everyday with Ollie has an expiration date.


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